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This is where I post more detailed information on skin related topics so you can nerd out at your leisure.


Just add water.
Barbara Johnson Barbara Johnson

Just add water.

Does your skin look dull, flaky and dry?  Drink more water.  Is it feeling tight and uncomfortable?  Drink more water.  Have the lines around your eyes suddenly turned into crevasses overnight?  DRINK MORE WATER!

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Skin Nutrition:  Vitamin C
Barbara Johnson Barbara Johnson

Skin Nutrition: Vitamin C

Vitamin C is probably most well know as an antioxidant, but it also has a marked effect on collagen production, helps reduce pigmentation and has an anti-inflammatory effect.  It needs to be replenished daily due to it’s unstable nature (it oxidises easily), and so it is an important  ingredient in your daily skin care and nutritional programme.

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Essential Fatty Acids are…Essential
Barbara Johnson Barbara Johnson

Essential Fatty Acids are…Essential

Essential fatty acids, otherwise known as omega oils, are vital nutrients for many organs and organ systems in the body – not just for the skin. So it’s extremely important for everyone to be getting a regular daily intake of these from either food sources or supplementation – personally I’m always in favour of having a good intake of all nutrients through the diet and not relying on supplementation as a general rule

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